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22 décembre 2009

Administraţia Prezidenţială va fi chemată în instanţă în urma includerii unei slujbe ortodoxe la învestirea preşedintelui Traian

RFI/22 dec. 2009 Moderato, Andreea Pietroşel Asociaţia Umanistă din România a anunţat că va da în jdecată Administraţia Prezidenţială pentru încălcarea legii şi discriminarea cultelor religioase din România. Motivul? Învestirea preşedintelui Traian Băsescu...
20 décembre 2009

MCA Romania/The Centre for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism in Romania

Centrul pentru Monitorizarea si Combaterea Antisemitismului din Romania When it comes to worldwide readiness to monitor and combat this digital new age Anti-Semitism we do not know the answer. But we do know when we refer to Romania, the country MCA has...
19 décembre 2009

Nazi-era Pope moves step closer to sainthood

Pope Benedict XVI moved two of his predecessors closer to possible sainthood Saturday, signing decrees on the virtues of Pope John Paul II and controversial Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized for not doing enough to stop the Holocaust, Haaretz reported....
18 décembre 2009

'Demjanjuk murdered my father in 1947'

John Demjanjuk, while working after World War II as a truck driver for the US army motor pool in Ulm, Germany, deliberately ran over and killed Moshe Lisogorski on August 20, 1947, Lisogorski's son Saul told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. Saul Liskin,...
18 décembre 2009

The sign, which cynically states "Arbeit Macht Frei," German for "Work will set you free," was stolen earlier Friday

Foreign Ministry official Yossi Levy said that Israel was "astounded and angry about the theft at Auschwitz." "Israel has full faith in the Polish authorities in charge of the investigation, and believe that the Polish police will apprehend the inhuman...
17 décembre 2009

UN Expresses Regret at Act of Religious Hatred in Chisinau, Welcomes Many Statements of Condemnation

The United Nations Country Team in Moldova expresses its profound regret at the public expression of religious intolerance taking place in the centre of Chisinau on Sunday. We welcome the prompt expressions of condemnation by a number of official agencies....
14 décembre 2009

Criza economică alimentează tensiunile etnice în Ungaria

Criza economică intensifică tensiunile etnice din Ungaria, acutizând problema marginalizării romilor, cei mai afectaţi de creşterea ratei şomajului, relatează Financial Times în ediţia electronică.Anul acesta, romii din comunitatea Hetes, din apropiere...
14 décembre 2009

The U.S. Embassy condemns Sunday's violence targeting the Jewish Menorah in Chisinau's Central Park

"The Moldovan Constitution guarantees the equality of all, without discrimination as to race, nationality, ethnic origin, language or religion. The United States believes in these principles of equality and tolerance and supports a democratic, European...
14 décembre 2009

Officials say priest attacks menorah in Moldova/AP

Dozens of people led by an Orthodox priest smashed a menorah in Moldova's capital, using hammers and iron bars to remove the candelabra during Hanukkah, officials said. The 1.5 meter(5-foot)-tall ceremonial candelabrum was retrieved, reinstalled and is...
14 décembre 2009

'Priest led attacks on Moldova menorah'/JPost

Dozens of people led by an Orthodox priest smashed a menorah in Moldova's capital, using hammers and iron bars to remove the candelabra during Hanukka, officials said Monday. The 1.5 meter(5-foot)-tall ceremonial candelabrum was retrieved, reinstalled...
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