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Accente critice (Am auzit la Radio ?)
27 juin 2011

T Baconschi, member of the PDL Bucharest: The abdication of King Michael needs to be treated as a tragic episode in our history

The abdication of King Michael was a tragic episode in our history, ( Romania’s Foreign Affairs minister ) Teodor Baconschi said in a – RFI talk show with Dan Tapalaga. Baconschi said that any historical evaluation should normally be done in an urban climate. President Basescu said on Wednesday, June 22nd at the public television that the abdication of King Michael was a betrayal of Romania’s national interest and that the former sovereign was the slave of the Russians.

I believe we need to read history as it is written in documents, we should not politicize excessively on the issue of monarchy or any other issue, Baconschi said. He said that no man who is well aware of the history can underestimate the role of great institution creators and no man can underestimate the function of the Royal House to modernize Romania.

The official said that the situation was very complicated, the King was in an ambiguous situation: a former ally of Hitler and a chief of state among those who won against Hitler. He said that beyond the opinions of the President there are documents, facts and other opinions. He said that even though one has divergent opinions related to the significance of a political gesture like an abdication, these opinions need to be made with respect to our own traditions and persons that are among us. (27 Iunie 2011)

(Dec. 2009)...Preşedintele Comisiei pentru politică externă a Senatului, social-democratul Titus Corlăţean, a afirmat, marţi, la audierea lui Teodor Baconschi pentru portofoliul Afacerilor Externe, că nominalizarea lui a ridicat unele semne de întrebare în anumite medii evreieşti din Israel, dar şi din ţară, întrucât diplomatul ar fi perceput 'mai de dreapta decât de dreapta'.
'Nominalizarea dumneavoastră a ridicat unele semne de întrebare în anumite medii evreieşti din Israel şi din ţară. (...) În anumite medii sunteţi perceput nu ca un intelectual de dreapta, ci mai de dreapta decât de dreapta', a spus Titus Corlăţean, invocând o prefaţă pe care Baconschi a scris-o la cartea lui B R, pe care l-a calificat drept 'un apologet al antisemitismului'....

