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13 septembre 2009

12 police officers hurt in Germany as leftist activists march against Neo-Nazis in Hamburg

German police arrested 60 people after 12 officers were hurt in riots that broke out during a left-wing march against the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) in the night, police said on Saturday. About 6,000 left-wing supporters marching against...
10 septembre 2009

Reuters/Poll finds fewer Americans believe Islam encourages violence

The percentage of Americans who believe Islam encourages violence has declined in recent years but remains far above where it was in 2002, while very basic knowledge about the faith has shown modest increases, according to a new survey by the Pew Forum...
8 septembre 2009

Vandals deface Gdansk Jewish Cemetery

Unidentified vandals spray painted anti-Semitic slogans at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery in Gdansk, prompting local police to launch an investigation. The phrase "Jews to the ovens - that is your place" was written on the sign at the main entryway...
2 septembre 2009

Geschichtsstreit überschattet Gedenkfeier in Polen/Der Spiegel

Danzig - Mit einem Bekenntnis zur "immerwährenden geschichtlichen Verantwortung Deutschlands" hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am 70. Jahrestag des Kriegsbeginns der Millionen Toten gedacht. Bei einer Zeremonie auf der Danziger Westerplatte sagte Merkel...
2 septembre 2009

Diplomă de aur pentru Madonna, de la regele Cioabă

Regele romilor, Florin Cioabă, îi va trimite reginei muzicii pop, Madonna, o diplomă de aur, în semn de recunoştinţă pentru mesajul transmis de cântăreaţă în timpul concertului de la Bucureşti, fiind pentru prima dată când regele Cioabă premiază astfel...
2 septembre 2009

Liga Arabă Europeană, judecată în Olanda

Autorităţile din Olanda au trimis în judecată o organizaţie culturală arabă, care a publicat caricaturi că Holocaustul ar fi o invenţie. Organizaţia în cauză, Liga Arabă Europeană, este acuzată de insultă şi de încălcare legilor olandeze cu privire la...
1 septembre 2009

Russia's Putin rejects WW2 criticism in Poland/Reuters

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin rejected criticism of Moscow's role just before World War Two during ceremonies on Tuesday marking the 70th anniversary of Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland. But Putin and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk agreed...
1 septembre 2009

Poland marks 70th anniversary of Nazi invasion

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be among the key foreign leaders participating in Poland's commemoration of the outbreak of World War II on Tuesday. The Poles also anticipate that French President Nicolas...
1 septembre 2009

Jaf la Sinagoga Mare din Iasi/BUNA ZIUA IASI

Cel mai vechi lacas de cult evreiesc din Romania a fost pradat de hoti, care au sustras sase statuete din bronz, reprezentand un leu, candelabre si mai multe ornamente din bronz, toate in greutate de 350 Kg ● Doi dintre cei trei hoti, un tanar de 18 ani...
28 août 2009

Neonazi wegen möglicher Anschlagspläne in Haft/Der Spiegel

Es war ein erstaunliches Arsenal, das den Ermittlern bei der Hausdurchsuchung im baden-württembergischen Weil am Rhein am vergangenen Mittwoch in die Hände fiel: Chemikalien, Zündschnüre, elektrische Bauteile für Fernzünder, Teile zum Bau von Rohrbomben,...