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23 octobre 2008

Hundreds of Jewish graves vandalized in Bucharest

200 graves and 100 monuments have been vandalized at a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest, officials said Thursday. Romanian Jewish community spokesman Paul Schwartz said it was the worst act of vandalism in the nation in recent times. He said the destruction...
23 octobre 2008

Ministerul justitiei condamnă profanarea Cimitirului Evreiesc din Capitală

Bucureşti, 23 oct /Agerpres/ - Ministerul Justiţiei a luat act cu îngrijorare de profanarea, de către persoane încă neidentificate, a mai multor monumente funerare, unele dintre ele unicate arhitectonice, din Cimitirul Evreiesc de pe Şoseaua Giurgiului...
21 octobre 2008

Al doilea cimitir vandalizat în Ighişu Nou / Rondul

A doua ispravă a vandalilor în Ighişu Nou. În mai puţin de 24 de ore de la vandalizarea cimitirului ortodox, Poliţia Municipiului Mediaş a fost sesizată despre faptul că persoane necunoscute au distrus 17 pietre funerare din beton şi marmură de la Cimitirul...
19 octobre 2008

Benoît XVI ne béatifie pas Pie XII pour avoir "de bons rapports avec les juifs"

Le père Gumpel, qui est le "postulateur" (défenseur) de la cause de Pie XII dans le processus de béatification, a affirmé que la procédure était achevée et qu'il ne manquait que la signature du souverain pontife, dans un entretien avec l'agence Ansa....
18 octobre 2008

Alleged Shoah denier fights extradition

The lawyer for an alleged Holocaust denier says his client never meant to cause offense. Austrian historian Gerald Fredrick Toben was arrested on an EU arrest warrant at London's Heathrow Airport on October 1 while traveling from the United States to...
18 octobre 2008

Iran - Amnesty International

Les autorités ont continué de réprimer la dissidence. Des journalistes, des écrivains, des universitaires, ainsi que des défenseurs des droits des femmes et des militants de la société civile, ont été victimes d'arrestations arbitraires, d'interdictions...
18 octobre 2008

Jewish institution warns against honors for wartime Pope

France's main Jewish organization warned on Friday that a Vatican plan to put wartime Pope Pius XII on the road to sainthood would deal a severe blow to Catholic-Jewish relations if completed. Holocaust survivors felt, "profound hurt" because Pius never...
9 octobre 2008

Left-wing terrorist turned neo-Nazi tried for Holocaust denial

A founding member of a left-wing terrorist group who later became a neo-Nazi was tried in Germany on Wednesday over charges that he published documents denying the Holocuast on the Internet. Horst Mahler - a founding member of the Red Army Faction in...
9 octobre 2008

Hungarian prosecutors zero in on alleged Nazi war criminal

Prosecutors investigating a Hungarian man wanted by Nazi hunters as a war criminal are considering expanding their investigation to Serbia. Efraim Zuroff, head of the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, claims that 94-year-old Sandor Kepiro...
8 octobre 2008

Le grand rabbin de Haïfa au Vatican

Le grand rabbin de Haïfa au Vatican Le grand rabbin de Haïfa Shaar Yashouv Cohen a exprimé lundi son opposition à la canonisation du pape Pie XII devant le Synode des Evêques au Vatican. Pour la première apparition d’un Juif lors de la réunion du corps...
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