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16 décembre 2008

Germany urged to take 'strongest legal action against neo-Nazis'

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center on Monday urged the German police and judicial authorities to take "the strongest possible measures" against the neo-Nazis who attempted to murder a German police chief over the weekend. The organization's...
14 décembre 2008

Austrian president: Far right's electoral gains don't reflect country

Austrian President Heinz Fischer, who arrived in Israel Saturday, said Thursday that the extreme right's electoral achievements in the Austrian elections two months ago do not reflect the political atmosphere in his country. "Not everyone who does not...
12 décembre 2008

Decades after Rudolf Kastner's murder, the row erupts anew

More than 50 years after the murder of Israel (Rudolf) Kastner, the de facto head of the Jewish Aid and Rescue Committee in Budapest, the controversy surrounding him is being rekindled. Kastner, who made a deal with Adolph Eichmann in 1944 to allow between...
12 décembre 2008

Nazi hunters fault Australia, Hungary for inaction

Australia, Hungary and Lithuania are failing to investigate and prosecute suspected Nazi war criminals largely due to a lack of political will, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said Thursday. The Nazi-hunting group said the same holds true for Croatia, Estonia,...
12 décembre 2008

Le Comité anti-torture du Conseil de l'Europe publie un rapport sur la Roumanie

Strasbourg, 11.12.2008 A la demande des autorités roumaines, le Comité pour la prévention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants (CPT) du Conseil de l'Europe a rendu publics aujourd'hui le rapport établi après sa sixième visite...
12 décembre 2008

Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on Romania

Strasbourg, 11.12.2008 At the request of the Romanian authorities, the Council of Europe's Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CPT) has published today the report on its sixth visit to Romania, carried...
11 décembre 2008

RFI: Acuzaţii dure la adresa României într-un raport european al Comitetului de prevenire a torturii al Consiliului Europei

Acuzaţii dure la adresa României, într-un raport european al Comitetului de prevenire a torturii al Consiliului Europei. Dat publicităţii astăzi, dar realizat în urmă cu mai bine de doi ani, documentul critică situaţia din penitenciare, dar şi din spitalele...
11 décembre 2008

DEUTSCHE WELLE/Theodor Stolojan, noul premier al României

Cine este domnul Teodor Stolojan? Petre Iancu: Importul de carne toxică din Irlanda, carne conţinând dioxină şi alte chestiuni politice, de pildă dezbaterea axată pe includerea UDMR în viitorul guvern au obturat oarecum subiectul principal: desemnarea...
10 décembre 2008

DEUTSCHE WELLE/Holocaust Survivor Still Fights For Human Rights

Stephane Hessel calls himself a darling of fortune. But it isn't exactly the term that comes to mind when hearing his biography. Born in Berlin in 1917, Hessel moved to Paris with his parents when he was 16 years old. He initially studied philosophy with...
10 décembre 2008

Romania-Ziua internationala a drepturilor omului/RFI

(Crainic) România este restantă la unele capitole privind drepturile omului, o concluzie pe care o putem repune pe tapet astăzi, cu ocazia zilei internaţionale a drepturilor omului. Ce trebuie să rezolve Bucureştiul? Reporter, Cosmin Ruscior: Aproape...
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