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30 janvier 2008

Romania: Direct and Indirect Tax Issues/Ernst and Young

The standard rate of income tax for both companies and individuals in Romania is 16%. The Merger Directive, the Parent-Subsidiary Directive, the Savings Directive and the Directive on Mutual Assistance by the competent authorities of the Member States...
30 janvier 2008

BBC: Comunicarea de ştiri sau informaţii false de natură să aducă atingere siguranţei statului sau relaţiilor internaţionale ale

(tr) Moderator, Roxana Lăzărescu:Mai multe organizaţii neguvernamentale printre care Agenţia de Monitorizare a presei, Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent sau Convenţia Orgnizaţiilor de Media protestează faţă de propunerea de introducere în Codul Penal...
27 janvier 2008

Anti-Semitic incidents rise in Germany, Australia, U.S. in 2007

The annual global report on anti-Semitism being presented to the cabinet Sunday morning points to a rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Germany, Australia, the United States and Ukraine together with an overall decrease in Western Europe. The largest number...
27 janvier 2008

Remembrance of Holocaust

Days before the United Nations General Assembly observes the third annual day to commemorate victims of the Holocaust, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday called on the world never to let it happen again. The 192-nation body declared three years...
17 janvier 2008


Over 2 million visitors in 73 locations have viewed the the Simon Wiesenthal Center's traveling exhibition on the Nazi Holocaust, The Courage to Remember, since its opening. Mrs. Yukiko Sugihara, wife of Chiuni Sugihara and then-U.S. ambassador to Japan,...
17 janvier 2008

Wiesenthal Centre to Romanian President: Dismiss Foreign Minister for Proposal to Deport Roma to Egyptian Desert Reservation

Wiesenthal Centre to Romanian President: Dismiss Foreign Minister for Proposal to Deport Roma to Egyptian Desert Reservation Paris, 9 November 2007 In a letter to Romanian Prime Minister, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Director...
17 janvier 2008

KZ-Arzt in Südamerika gesucht

"Alt-Nazis aufzuspüren ist nicht schwer. Sie vor Gericht zu bringen, das ist der schwierige Teil," Efraim Zuroff, der Leiter des Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrums in Jerusalem, spricht aus Erfahrung. Am Dienstag kündigte er in der argentinischen Hauptstadt Buenos...
17 janvier 2008

Rumänische Kirche gegen "Satanische Verse"/Klerikale Verschwörung

Die rumänisch-orthodoxe Kirche verurteilt die Übersetzung der "Satanischen Verse" von Salman Rushdie. Und nennt sie Gotteslästerung. Die "Satanischen Verse" von Salman Rushdie sorgen in Rumänien für Aufregung. In einem kurzen Kommuniqué verurteilte das...
17 janvier 2008

City in Czech Republic bans neo-Nazi march slated for weekend

The western Bohemian city of Pilsen decided to ban a neo-Nazi march scheduled to pass through the city over the weekend, Mayor Pavel Roedl told reporters Thursday. "I don't want to be the mayor of a city in which radicals have a free possibility to give...
17 janvier 2008

Five students from Jewish high school attacked by group in Berlin

Five students from a Jewish high school in Berlin were attacked this week by a group of four men, German police said Thursday. The incident took place Wednesday, when the attackers unleashed a dog at the students, aged 15 to 17. Two of the alleged perpetrators...
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