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13 janvier 2013

Cercetări cu privire la săvârşirea infracţiunii ce incriminează fapta de promovare a ideologiei fasciste

Pe rolul Parchetului de pe lângă Judecătoria Timişoara a fost constituită, vineri, o cauză penală în care se efectuează cercetări cu privire la săvârşirea infracţiunii ce incriminează fapta de promovare a ideologiei fasciste, rasiste ori xenofobe, prin...
13 janvier 2013

CNCD: Încercăm să îi identificăm pe cei care au postat anunţul privind sterilizarea femeilor rome/MEDIAFAX

CNCD analizează situaţia legată de oferirea unei recompense femeilor rome care se sterilizează şi încearcă să îi identifice pe autorii postării materialului pe blog, aceştia riscând o amendă de până la 8.000 de lei, a declarat, joi, pentru MEDIAFAX, preşedintele...
17 janvier 2013

EU Parliament to mark Holocaust Day

For the first time since the European Parliament's establishment, its president, Martin Schulz, has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Day as part of its official ceremonies. In a special letter sent to Rabbi Avi Tawil, president of the European...
18 janvier 2013

Germany convicts Shoah-denying bishop

A German court has fined an ultraconservative British bishop €1,800 ($2,400) for denying the Holocaust in a television interview. German news agency DPA reported that an administrative court in Regensburg convicted Richard Williamson of incitement and...
26 janvier 2013

UN commemorates victims of Nazism

Holocaust survivors, their families and delegates of their cause flooded the General Assembly hall of the United Nations on Friday, where the international body commemorated the victims of Nazism with a day of remembrance on the 68th anniversary of the...
25 janvier 2013

'Premieră' mondială vineri seară la Viena

O operă despre atrocităţile naziste asupra copiilor a fost jucată în 'premieră' mondială vineri seară la Viena în parlamentul austriac, cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale de Comemorare a Holocaustului comis de nazişti împotriva evreilor, la 27 ianuarie. Data de...
28 février 2013

Agreement between Argentina, Iran inflames US

Argentina's Congress approved early on Thursday an agreement with Iran to investigate the 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish community center that Argentine courts have long accused Tehran of sponsoring. Jewish leaders say the pact to set up a "truth...
7 mars 2013

Academia Română cosmetizează aplauzele prin care a girat un discurs antisemit

Radu Ioanid: „Steagul secuiesc este o mare problemă în România de azi, dar cel legionar flutură nestânjenit” „În România n-a fost Holocaust, în România s-au petrecut doar persecuţii", s-a spus pe 14 februarie în aulă Academiei Romane, într-un discurs...
27 avril 2012

China's Wen: Auschwitz visit 'unforgettable, dark'

China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said on Friday a visit to the Auschwitz death camp where Nazis gassed to death 1.5 million people had left an indelible impression, and reinforced the importance of learning the lessons of history. "This is an unforgettable,...
27 janvier 2012

Norway offers its first Holocaust apology

Norway apologized for the first time on Friday for the country's complicity in the deportation and deaths of Jews during the Nazi occupation in World War Two. "Norwegians carried out the arrests; Norwegians drove the trucks and it happened in Norway,"...
27 janvier 2012

'Never forget,' says Obama on Holocaust Remembrance Day

US President Barak Obama pledged to remember the Holocaust and to fight anti-Semitism, in a statement released on International Holocaust Remembrance day Friday. "Michelle and I join people in the United States, in Israel, and across the globe as we remember...
12 novembre 2011

Baconschi: Este esenţial ca presa să nu înlocuiască critica constructivă cu mesaje alarmiste

Ministrul de Externe, Teodor Baconschi, a participat, duminică, la Congresul Asociaţiei Jurnaliştilor Europeni, declarând că este esenţial ca presa să nu înlocuiască critica constructivă cu mesaje alarmiste şi pesimiste, menţionând că încurajează media...
12 novembre 2011

Ingerinte/Jurnalistul trebuie să fie independent dacă vrea să servească interesul publicului

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, a declarat, sâmbătă, la deschiderea Congresului Asociaţiei Jurnaliştilor Europeni, că un jurnalist trebuie să fie independent dacă vrea să servească interesul publicului însă, o dată cu libertatea, trebuie...
14 novembre 2011

Opinion/Ynet/'Romania – Hitler's most willing partner'

Attendees from Moldova joined their Ukrainian counterparts in Kiev on November 9 – the anniversary of Kristallnacht – for a first-of-its-kind conference. The meeting expressly focused on World War II fascist Romania's Holocaust-era war crimes committed...
5 octobre 2013

Trois ressortissants de pays de l'Est ont été arretés

Trois ressortissants de pays de l'Est ont été arretés et placés en garde a vue samedi pres de Paris dans le cadre de l'enquete sur le braquage spectaculaire d'une bijouterie de luxe la veille dans les quartiers chics de Paris, a-t-on appris de sources...
25 janvier 2014

UN's Ban calls on world to remember lessons of Shoah on Int'l Holocaust Day

The United Nations and countries around the world will hold memorial ceremonies commemorating the victims of the Holocaust on Monday, the International Holocaust Memorial day. A special UN ceremony will be held at UN headquarters in New York. The evening...
23 janvier 2014

Hungarian Jews threaten boycott of gov’t Holocaust commemorations

The Jewish community of Hungary has threatened to boycott all events associated with their government’s yearlong commemoration of the Holocaust.The ultimatum, delivered via the website of the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz) on Sunday,...
30 janvier 2014

UN exhibit keeps memory of Shoah alive

A special poster exhibition opened this week in the United Nations Information Offices in Vienna, Austria, in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which was marked Monday.The exhibition includes posters created by students of art and design...
14 avril 2014

Three dead in Kansas Jewish centers shootings

Suspect arrested, reporter says 'a man in handcuffs at the scene was yelling about Hitler.'Three people were killed in two shootings in two Jewish centers in Kansas. A suspect has been arrested and was heard yelling "heil Hitler" as he was taken into...
9 avril 2014

Disputed Hungary Shoah monument sparks fresh protest

Several hundred protesters blocked work on a controversial monument in Budapest Tuesday which Jewish critics say glosses over Hungary's active role in the Holocaust. Around 300 people angrily tore down a cordon erected by workers and occupied the site...
10 janvier 2007


Im EU-Parlament formieren sich Ultranationalisten und Rechtsextremisten mit neuer Kraft: In wenigen Tagen wollen sie in Straßburg eine gemeinsame Fraktion bilden. An ihrer Spitze soll ein Franzose stehen, der wegen seiner Äußerungen zum Holocaust vor...
9 janvier 2007


"Romania's first gift to the European Union - a caucus of neo-fascists and Holocaust deniers"-Monday January 8, 2007
26 février 2007

Urteil zugunsten eines Diktators/die tageszeitung

"Urteil zugunsten eines Diktators" Der faschistische Militärmachthaber und rumänische Hitlerverbündete Ion Antonescu wird teilweise juristisch reingewaschen. Die Republik Moldau legt Protest ein... (26.2.2007- WILLIAM TOTOK)
18 janvier 2007

Bruno Gollnisch

Le numéro 2 du Front National, Bruno Gollnisch, poursuivi pour des propos négationnistes sur les chambres à gaz qu'il avait tenus devant la presse en octobre 2004, a été condamné à une peine de 3 mois de prison avec sursis et une amende de 5 000 euros...
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