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20 septembre 2008

International Religious Freedom Report 2008 - U.S. Department of State

CE TRANSMITE RADIO ROMÂNIA ACTUALITĂŢI ? (20 septembrie 2008) - România respectă libertatea religioasă, care este garantată de lege şi aplicată de guvern - afirmă Departamentul de Stat în Raportul pe 2008. Totuşi se menţin unele restricţii, care împiedică...
18 septembre 2008

Unfavorable Views of Jews and Muslims on the Increase in Europe

Pew Research Center Ethnocentric attitudes are on the rise in Europe. Growing numbers of people in several major European countries say they have an unfavorable opinion of Jews, and opinions of Muslims also are more negative than they were several years...
18 septembre 2008

Sentimentele antimusulmane si antievreiesti, în crestere în Europa - sondaj

CHIGACO, 18 septembrie 2008 (MEDIAFAX) - Sentimentele antimusulmane si antievreiesti se intensificã într-o serie de state europene importante, potrivit unui sondaj international dat publicitatii miercuri, relateazã Reuters. Studiul efectuat de Pew Research...
17 septembre 2008

Un partid din Austria care condamnă aderarea României la UE ar putea intra din nou la guvernare

Partidul Libertăţii din Austria, de extremă-dreapta, se pregăteşte să intre din nou la guvernare, după o absenţă de doi ani, liderul său fiind împotriva imigraţiei şi apreciind că aderarea României şi Bulgariei la UE a permis dezvoltarea crimei organizate...
17 septembre 2008

Auschwitz security officers arrest Nazi memorabilia dealer

Security officers in Auschwitz - the site of former Nazi concentration camps - detained a man Wednesday for selling Third Reich memorabilia at a bazaar, local media reported. Among the objects were copies of SS and Hitler military items, reported the...
8 septembre 2008

Rome mayor's fascist evil comments spark outcry

Italy's Left accused Rome's right-wing mayor of trying to rewrite history after he declared that racist laws enacted during Italy's fascist era - rather than fascism itself - were "absolute evil." The controversy comes amid a broader debate in Italy over...
2 septembre 2008

UK diplomat sought deal with Nazis

A British amateur diplomat tried to make a peace deal with Germany during WWII by offering Germany free reign in Europe in exchange for British rule over the rest of the world, according to previously unreleased documents. MI5 Security Service files released...
2 septembre 2008

Eitan tells how Mengele got away

The Mossad scrapped a plan to seize the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who was located in Argentina in 1960, in order not to botch the capture of Adolf Eichmann, the former spymaster Minister for Pensioner Affairs Rafi Eitan said Monday. Mengele,...
1 septembre 2008

Greece urged to educate youth on Shoah after teens filmed urinating on memorial

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center urged the Greek government Monday to "strenuously" respond to the recent desecration of the Rhodes Holocaust Memorial by a group of local teenagers, who were shown on a YouTube video urinating on the site....
31 août 2008

Nazi collaborator fled arrest, living peacefully in Germany

A Lithuanian citizen convicted of collaborating with the Nazis and persecuting Jews during World War II is living peacefully in a small town in Germany. As a member of the Nazi-sponsored Lithuanian Security Police, Algimantas Dailide arrested Jews who...