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20 mai 2008

German firefighting team apologizes for Hitler quote

A youth team of firefighters in Germany has got into hot water after entering a contest with a famous quote by Adolf Hitler emblazoned on its T-shirts. Spectators at a weekend fire-fighting competition near Cottbus were shocked to see a team from the...
20 mai 2008

Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Or Yehuda

Orthodox Jews set fire to hundreds of copies of the New Testament in the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in the Holy Land. Or Yehuda Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon said missionaries recently entered a neighborhood in the predominantly religious...
8 mai 2008

Train commemorating Holocaust children arrives at Auschwitz

A train exhibition honoring Jewish children sent to death camps by the Nazis opened Thursday at a station near the former Auschwitz death camp in Poland, where it arrived after six-month trip across neighboring Germany. Organizers said the Train of Commemoration...
5 mai 2008

Police storm Warsaw hotel room, free three captive Jewish teens

Police broke into a room at the Holiday Inn hotel in Warsaw Monday and freed three Jewish teenagers briefly held captive by a 23-year-old man, local police said. Police spokesman Mariusz Sokolowski said police had found no explosives, and identified the...
5 mai 2008

U.K. tried to ship Holocaust survivors back to Germany

Newly released documents at Britain's National Archives show how the government tried to send thousands of Palestine-bound Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide back to postwar Germany, where the final solution had been hatched, without inflaming world...
2 mai 2008

L'extrême droite londonienne courtise les Juifs

L'avancée de l'Islam en Europe favorise un peu partout les mouvements xénophobes et d'extrême-droite. C'est le cas en Grande-Bretagne où la communauté musulmane est la plus nombreuse du continent, et jouit depuis longtemps d'une liberté d'expression et...
26 mars 2008

Red Cross' International Tracing Service turns over names of 3.5 million Jews displaced during WWII to Yad Vashem , US Holocaust

The names of some 3.5 million people displaced after World War II have been provided to Holocaust memorial groups and museums in the United States, Israel and Poland by a recently opened archive of Nazi-era documents. The International Tracing Service...
16 mars 2008

Holocaust survivors march from Krakow ghetto to mark 65th anniversary since liquidation

Hundreds of Jews on Sunday marked the 65th anniversary of the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto with a march commemorating the German businessman whose efforts had saved Jews from the Holocaust. Some 700 Jews from Poland, Israel and other countries marched...
12 mars 2008

SUA: Abuzurile, corupţia şi discrimarea continuă în România

În ciuda eforturilor autorităţilor româneşti, raportul Departamentului american de Stat referitor la respectarea drepturilor omului pe 2007 semnalează probleme la nivelul abuzurilor, corupţiei şi discriminării. Raportul menţionează mai multe cazuri în...
12 mars 2008

Parlamentului European/Situaţia romilor

DW/Catrinel Preda - Laurenţiu Diaconu Printre participanţii la Conferinţa "Spre o strategie europeană pentru roma - de la angajamente la rezultate", s-au aflat comisarul european pentru ocuparea forţei de muncă, chestiuni sociale şi egalitatea de şanse,...